Hi.....My name is Brandy Patterson. I was crowned Miss Tennessee Teen America on March 17, 2002 I have built this web site to let teenage girls see the many benefits that can be derived from becoming involved with wholesome activities...be it pageants, sports, music or any activity that involves good role models and good peer guidance.
On this web site, I'll introduce myself, talk about my reasons for entering a pageant, discuss my platform, and give interesting web links that offer teens inspiring alternatives to drug abuse and self-destructive habits. I hope you enjoy and I would like to hear from you on any suggestions that you have.
I would like to thank Scott Chevalier, the founder of Powerhouse Youth Project, for his incredible kindness to me. He, and the rest of the Powerhouse gang, has shown such unselfish friendship, guidance, and support for me, and my platform, that I cannot begin to describe my gratitude to them. I love you guys! (I hope to have a page dedicated to the Powerhouse Youth Project in the near future).

Scott Chevalier, the Founder of Powerhouse, and myself
I would also like to thank David Sledge with the IOF Foresters, along with his gang, for introducing me to so many people in Nashville. They arranged for many wonderful events in Nashville and I had a great time working with them on fund raising for Childrens Miracle Network. Keep up the good work guys. XOXO.
Now that I have started thanking people, I'm not sure where to stop. I can't forget to thank my parents, my family, my friends, my teachers, Martha and Melissa Brownell (my two favorite coaches) and many, many others. Please forgive me if I miss anyone.
Most of all I must thank our God in Heaven for providing me with the many blessings he has given me.